Hi, My name is Sue Moore and I am an accredited Clinical Hypnotherapist, and Psychotherapist.
I began working as a Therapist 15 years ago. I love working with people helping them to overcome their blocks, fears and anxieties helping them to move forward with their life. I have worked with individuals, couples and groups.
In 2019, I realised that Counselling skills alone wasn't getting the results I wanted for my lovely Clients as quickly as I wanted. After researching many different options, I made the decision to train in some of the new "Brief strategic Interventions" such as NLP & EMDR and Hypnotherapy. During that journey I realised what fast, effective tools all the Interventions are. I was seduced by the power of them all and believe this is the way forward for modern contemporary therapy. I've been practicing them all ever since and love the success rate it produces.
I am based in Cobham Surrey, and for many years I worked with Traditional Face to Face appointments at my home Consultation room or at your own home.
Today with the current situation I work almost exclusively on Zoom and find this as effective as face to face work.
I look forward to meeting you on your journey soon.